GreatCanadianBiddingContestCongratulations to Earle Fergusson, top reader for February with a score of 49. Way to go Earle! Two panelists had perfect scores of 50, David Grainger and Mike Hargreaves.
The February contest was designed for the up-and-coming duplicate player. While the panel of experts generally found the problems relatively straight forward, the newer players might have found some of the concepts eye-opening.

Play along! It is easy to enter. Email your answers to the April problems to Neil Kimelman at, by March 15th.

April Problems

Host: Stephen Cooper

1. IMPs. Dealer: West, N-S vul. As South, you hold:

♠ —    A 9 8 7 3   7 4 2   10 9 8 4 3

West North East South
Pass 1 1 ?

Note: These are your agreements:
– Double = Transfer to hearts, like a standard 1.
– 2 = Fit showing, 5+ hearts, forcing only to 3.
– 3 = Preemptive.

What is your call?

2. IMPs. Dealer: North, Both vul. As South, you hold:

♠ A K 4 2    6 5  A K Q J 9 6 3   

West North East South
Pass 3♠ 4  ?

What is your call?

3. IMPs. Dealer: North, E-W vul. As South, you hold:

♠ J 7    A 10 6 5 3  7 5 3 2   6 3

  North East South
  Pass 1 ?

What is your call?

4. MPs. Dealer: South, neither vul. As South, you hold:

♠ J 7 5  K J 6  A J 8 6    A 7 5

West North East South
 3♠ Dbl1 Pass ?

Dbl1 : Promises invitational or better values.

What is your call?

5. MPs. Dealer: North, neither vul. As South, you hold:

♠ 8 6 5 3     A K 10 4 3 2   5 2    J

West North East South
   1♠ Pass ?

a) What is your call?
b) Might you stop short of game?