2024 Summer NABC in Toronto, July 18-28

Metro Toronto Convention Centre
You are entitled to the Maple Leaf Discount at the 2024 Toronto NABC! NABC Schedule and Fees

  • $14 off the entry fee per daytime session
  • $4 off for evening events

Open to members who purchase entries through Entry Express and who satisfy all requirements:
1. Current resident of Canada.
2. Current ACBL member.
3. Current CBF member – As of June 15, 2024
Entry Express: If you are new to using Entry Express, there is an FAQ HERE: how to purchase entries, how the discount applies, and answers to a large number of questions you may have. Access to Entry Express.

2025 Canadian Bridge Championships

The Round robin stage of all team events at the 2025 Canadian Bridge Championships will be played online in January and February 2025.
The knockout stage (Finals) will be played live in Toronto from April 14 to 20 in conjuction with the Toronto Easter Refional.
To help you plan your various activities, trips and vacations, continue reading to see the round robin schedule for all team events.

Bridge Canada – June 2024 Issue is Online

June Issue of Bridge Canada is now available online.
You’ll enjoy reading the articles ‘Who needs a bidding box!!!’ and ‘Winnipeg’s Winter Bridge Bash’, as well as the answers and comments from the expert panel to the Canadian Bidding Contest, the IBPA files and more.
Holding ♠A76 K1098753 64. You lead A♠ and now how do you continue to beat 6. See the article ‘Who needs a bidding box!!’
You can access the magazine of the CBF through the top menu or the red tab on the left side of this page.

The Great Canadian Bidding Contest: September 2024 Problems

In the June 2024 issue of Bridge Canada, you can review the last set of problems, along with the answers and comments of the expert panel. The whole panel were tightly bunched with scores in the high forties, but Mike Hargreaves (49) and David Turner (48) nipped the rest of the panel. Welcome Ben Zaidenberg to our June panel! Ben, a former representative of Canada when a Junior, is returning to more active playing. Ashot Harutyunyan had the best reader score for June.
Play along! Email your answers to the September problems by August 11th to Neil Kimelman (editor@cbf.ca). Have fun!

Bridge Canada : March 2024 Issue is Online

March 2024 issue of Bridge Canada is now available., the online magazine of the CBF. You can access the magazine through the top menu or the red tab on the left side of this page.
The magazine contains interesting and informative articles on various topics, and the answers and analysis from the expert panel to the last Great Canadian Bidding Contest, and much more.
Holding this: ♠KJ7 AD843 KJ7 A5, what is your call after P-1♠-? Find out what the expert Canadian panelists bid in the TGCBC Article.

The Great Canadian Bidding Contest: June 2024 Problems

In the March 2024 issue of Bridge Canada magazine, you can review the problems of the latest Canadian auction, along with the answers and comments of the experts.
Congratulations to Paul Thurston for having the top panelist score of 47, followed closely by 2023 CNTC champion Jason Feldman with a total of 45 on his first panel. Way to go gents! Top readers were Ashot Harutyunyan, followed by Richard Bickley.
Continue reading to see the new set of problems. Play along and email your answers to the June problems by May 11th to Neil Kimelman (editor@cbf.ca). Have fun!

2023-2024 CBF Team League Results

Congratulations !
Winners: Team Liang
– Shigang Liang, Jianfeng Luo, Terry Du, Kole Meng, Qian Ren, Michael Wang, Candice Huang, Cindy He
2nd: Team Xu – Edward Xu, Yan Wang, Yimei Cao, Zheng Zhang, Alex Hong, Mike xiaofang Xue, Peter Wong
Flight B
Winners: Team Hong
– Jennifer Hong, Jinmei Lou, Juan Xu, Helen Chang, Rick Wu, Diana Jing
2nd: Team Dong – Yunjiang Dong, Xiang Chen Zhu, Ashot Harutyunyan, Shih-Chieh Fuh, Stephand Turcotte, Benoit Lessard