CBF membership is $25 per year. Membership is $50 for 2 years, and $65 for 3 years.

Players 25 years of age and under: $10 per year. When joining or renewing on the CBF website, use promo code JUNIOR to access the discount.

Click here to join the CBF
Click here te renew your membership

Benefits of membership and a list of some other CBF initiatives

Benefits of membership

  • Access to the bi-monthly CBF online publication, Bridge Canada. Issues include reports on our Championships and The Great Canadian Bidding Contest, plus there are 3 regular features for less experience players: The New Players Spot; Bridge Basics, and The Intermediate Spot. Past issues going back to the 1980s are available to members.
  • Eligibility to participate in the monthly Canada-wide game on BBO.
  • Eligibility to participate in various Canadian Events:
    • At our annual Canadian Bridge Championships:
      • The Canadian National Team Championships (flights A, B and C),
      • the Women’s Team Championships,
      • the Senior’s Team Championships,
      • the Mixed Team Championships,
      • the Canadian Open Pairs and
      • the Canadian IMP Pair Championships
    • CBF Online Team League
    • Canadian Online Pairs Games
  • Every year have the Richmond trophy race and Mini-Richmond trophies and recognition for the top masterpoint winners for all categories of players.
  • We have a very active and growing Junior Program, for players under the age of 26. We fund different junior age levels to represent Canada at World Championships.
  • Access to the CBF Memorabilia library.
  • Ability to play at World events.

Other things the CBF does

  • We hold 2 Rookie-Master games at clubs each year, the Erin Berry in the Fall and the Helen Shields in the Spring, to help new players learn from playing with more experienced members.
  • We hold a Canada Wide Sectional at local clubs (STACs).
  • We annually hold 2 CBF Regionals Tournaments for all levels of players.
  • We administer the CBF Charitable Fund, and ensure that all funds raised for charities in Canada go to Canadian Charities, including an annual fundraising event for the Canadian Alzheimer Society.
  • We administer the Erin Berry Memorial Fund which helps players under 19 attend bridge events.
  • We administer the Canadian Hall of Fame to recognize Canadian player’s accomplishments.
  • Our website contains news of events in Canada as well as around the world.
  • The CBF subsidizes the cost of attending the World Championships for teams that represent Canada.

Canadians love to show their patriotism.
Support your national bridge federation and help us serve Canadian Bridge.

Click here to join the CBF today