GreatCanadianBidding-FRYou can review the last set of problems in the September 2024 issue of Bridge Canada, along with the answers and comments of the expert panel. For the last set of problems, Keith Balcombe and Danny Miles tied for the top panelist score of 47, followed closely by Ray Hornby with 46. Sheldon Spiers, back from a short hiatus, topped the readers, followed by Fred Lerner.

Play along! Enter the Great Canadian Bidding Contest by emailing your answers to the December problems to Neil Kimmelman ( by November 12th. The results and the analysis of the experts will be published in the December issue of Bridge Canada.

December 2024 Problems

Host: Paul Thurston

1. Matchpoints. Dealer: South, N-S vul. As South you hold:

♠ K J 9 3 2  K 9  A 7 4  Q 8 2

West North East South
2 Dbl Pass ?

What is your call?

2. Matchpoints. Dealer: West, neither vul. As South you hold:

♠ A K Q 10 9 6  10 7 4 2  A 9  6

West North East South
1  1 22 ?

1  Natural, 6-9 HCPs.

.What is your call?

3. Matchpoints. Dealer North, neither vul. As South you hold:

♠ K  102  A K J 9 7 6 4  K Q

West North East South
  1NT1 Pass 22
 Pass 2 Pass ?

1 15-17.
2  Hearts.

a) Do you agree with 2? If not, what would you have bid?
b) What do you bid over 2?

4. IMPs. Dealer: South, both vul. As South you hold:

♠ A 8  6 5  J 9 8 6 4  A K 9 5

West North East South
Pass 1♠ Pass 2
Pass 21 Pass ?

1 4th suit forcing.

What do you bid?

5. IMPs. Dealer: South, N-S vul. As South you hold:

♠ –  10 9 7 2  A K Q 10 7 5  Q 9 4

West North East South
Pass 21 Pass 2
Pass 2NT Pass 3
Pass 3NT Pass ?

1 Game forcing

What do you bid?