2025_BC-Mar-EN2025_BC-Mar-ENGet to know Bridge Canada, the online magazine of the CBF.

CBF members can access this issue and previous issues by selecting “Magazine” from the top menu, or by clicking the “Bridge Canada Magazine” red tab on the left side of the home page. (See the note at the bottom of the page if there is a login problem).

In this issue, read articles of interest to everyone, including these articles: ‘Very bad bids very occasionally lead to Very good results’, ‘Immediate raises of major-suit opening bids’, the IBPA files, the article featuring the responses and comments of the panel of experts to the problems of the last Bidding Contest, and more.


♠7654                        ♠QJ1082
875                          AJ103
KJ876                      10 
Q                              865


Take a look at this.

Contract: 6♣ by South. Do you chose to play, or defend this contract?

Note: In this problem you must determine who will prevail if all sides play perfectly, declarer or the defenders?

To read more go to this new issue of Bridge Canada.
(page 33)


We invite you to enter the next Canadian Bidding Contest (June 2025) and see how your answers compare against the Expert panel in the next issue.

If you are not a member of the CBF, you can join by clicking the “Members/Join the CBF” on the top menu. Membership is only $25/year.

Note: If you receive a WordPress error message after filling in the required boxes during login, please click on the back arrow and you should be back on the magazine screen – or click on the magazine page again and it will open correctly. If the problem persists, please write to: webmaster@cbf.ca.