Application Form – Bridge Clubs

Please complete the form at the bottom of this page to obtain the sanction for this tournament, as well as the deals and deal analysis.
For more information, you can send an email to Catherine Kinsella (


Canadian Rookie-Master games are special games designed to help introduce new players to your bridge club and the game of duplicate bridge. Enlist your regular club members to help recruit new members to your club. Challenge all club players to bring someone new to this game or to play with a novice. Plan to make this a special night at your club and let’s all plan to have fun at this game.

The Rookie-Master games are held twice a year (spring and fall) in clubs across Canada. The games are run using computer hands so that players across the country play the same deals and printed hand analyses, prepared by top Canadian players, are provided. The pair with the best percentage score in Canada is declared National Winners and receives a trophy. The pairs with the top percentage score in each Zone receive a plaque. All club winners receive certificates.

The Helen Shields is the spring Rookie-Master Game. The event is named in memory of Helen Shields, of Thunder Bay, who was a past President of the Canadian Bridge Federation. Helen was very active in teaching and introducing new players to duplicate bridge. The first Helen Shields game was held in 1995.

The Erin Berry is the fall Rookie-Master Game. The event is named in memory of Erin Berry, a gifted student and bridge player who was tragically killed in a car accident on January 30, 1998, three days before her 17th birthday. The first Erin Berry game was held in 1999.


At least one member of each partnership must have fewer than 100 master points. A “Rookie” is intended to be a player without much experience at playing duplicate bridge. Although we use a masterpoint cut off of 100, we are really intending that the player be fairly new to the game of duplicate bridge. Players that have let their ACBL membership lapse or have not been remitting master points for recording, although below the 100 master point level, do not necessarily fit the definition of “rookie”. Club managers or game directors may prohibit a pair from playing in this game, if they feel that the partnership does not include a player that fits the definition of a “Rookie”.


Since this game is designed to introduce new players to our game, the use of certain conventions does not fit with the spirit of the game. Under no circumstances will conventions beyond those on the ACBL Yellow Card be allowed in this game. Club managers are encouraged to limit conventions in this game. If a club has an established policy on conventions allowed in Rookie-Master games, they are encouraged to use the same guidelines for this game, as long as they do not extend to conventions beyond the scope of the Yellow Card.


Rookies should sit in the South and West positions in order to make things fairer and more standard across the country.

Upcoming Rookie-Master Games

 HELEN SHIELDSApril 2, 2025 – At in persons clubs (Wednesday)
 ERIN BERRYOctober 16, 2025 – At in persons clubs (Thursday)

Sanction Fee

The sanction fee is $4.00 per table.

Sanction Application Form

Complete the following form for an online application