Feel free to send us your links for inclusion on this page.
American Contract Bridge League
International Bridge Press Association
The International Bridge Press Association has more than 300 members in all corners of the world. Its main objective is to assist bridge journalists in their bridge related professional activities.
Bridge Daily Bulletins
Frank van Wezel and Hans van de Konijnenberg from the Netherlands have collected thousands of bulletins from the internet and posted them here for your enjoyment.
Bridge Blogging
Home of many excellent Canadian players, writers and journalists
Bridge Winners
Lots of interesting articles, bridge news and a very good convention card editor.
Great Bridge Links
Over 3,000 links. Originally launched in 1995 as part of cbf.ca. Great Bridge Links remains one of the world’s most useful bridge link sites. The main pages, and tournament listing, are updated weekly.
Gifts and Supplies for Card Players
A website sponsored by Great Bridge Links, which features novelty items, clothing, stationery, books, software and many other items of interest to card players, their friends and partners. Gifts and Supplies for Card Players has been online since 2006.
Jonathan Steinberg’s Photo Albums
Jonathan has been photographing bridge players for many years now and allows the CBF to make complimentary use of the photos in our magazine Bridge Canada.
Vince Oddy Bridge Books, Games & Supplies
Long time sponsor of the CBF magazine Bridge Canada, Vince Oddy is a Canadian supply shop for everything bridge.