To participate in the CMTC a team must consist of at least two women players and two men players. In any match, each pair must consist of one woman and one man

Participants in the CMTC must be paid up members in good standing of the CBF. Teams must pre-register, and pay the entry fee, by the deadline published in the documentation. No club qualification is required.

Upon ratification by the CBF board of directors, the winning team receives a subsidy to represent Canada at that year’s world mixed team championship.

Click here to view all the information on the 2025 CBC: dates, teams, results, etc


Click on the year to access the championship archives.

2024Marc-André Fourcaudot, Sondra Blank, Kismet Fung, Ranald Davidson, Michael Gamble, Brenda Bryant
2023Nicholas Gartaganis, Judith Gartaganis, Sondra Blank, Marc-André Fourcaudot, Louise Berthiaume, Kamel Fergani
2022Marc-André Fourcaudot, Sondra Blank, Louise Berthiaume, Kamel Fergani, Judith Gartaganis, Nicholas Gartaganis
2021Francine Cimon, Marc-André Fourcaudot, Louise Berthiaume, Kamel Fergani, Sondra Blank, Danny Miles
2020Eiji Kujirai, Barbara Clinton, Marc-Andre Fourcaudot, Francine Cimon, Louise Berthiaume, Kamel Fergani
2019Sandra Fraser, Douglas Fraser, Gerry McCully, Rhonda Foster, Jim McAvoy, Connie McAvoy