The Day of Bridge Benefiting Alzheimer’s is a great opportunity to foster camaraderie in your club, promote bridge in your neighborhood and help patients and caregivers worldwide.

Participating is easy! Simply select one day during the week of June 16-23 to be your Day of Bridge Benefiting Alzheimer’s. On this date, you may host as many Alzheimer’s games as you’d like all day long. Table fees will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Association of Canada, and players will receive upgraded masterpoint awards. The sanction fee is $5.10 to $5.15 USD for 18+ board games, or $4.64 to $4.67 USD for 12 -17 board games. For details on how to set up your game on ACBLscore see the attached file.
Virtual club games from June 22-23 automatically participate.

For face-to-face games, the awards will be upgraded to 63.6% sectional-rated points. For virtual games, the awards will be double the regular club masterpoint black points.

Or take it a step further! Start a fund-raising team and collect donations with silent auctions, bake sales and more.

Benefits of Participating in the Day of Bridge Benefiting Alzheimer’s

Raise the profile of bridge – Research has proven that the mental agility and social networking that comes with playing bridge help keep your brain healthy. You can highlight these aspects along with your club when promoting your event in your community.

Make a difference in the fight against Alzheimer’s – The funds you raise directly support research, resources and advocacy for thousands of patients and caregivers. Thanks to work by Association, new treatments are available now and more are coming.

We would like to know the fundraising total for Canada, so we would like clubs to register with us by emailing with your club’s name and what games you are holding. We will follow up with you after the game to see what was raised by your club. Once we have the total from each club plus the sanction fees from the ACBL, we will publish a fundraising total on the CBF website.

Many players may want to make special donations to the Alzheimer Society and these can be done directly on the Alzheimer Society website:

The Alzheimer Society of Canada has a website that contains a wealth of information about the disease, daily living, services. and more. We invite you to visit it.

Some posters: