We now have a complete and detailed schedule of
events. Click Here to view ::>
Are you wondering if you have qualified for
COPC subsidy? Click Here for list ::>
Click Participants, or Results, above.
St Catharines is approximately 1- 1 1/2 hours driving
time from Toronto. If you’re flying into Ontario from out-of-province,
our recommendation is that you try to book Westjet or the newly
available Canjet into Hamilton’s Mount Hope Airport. This
airport is about 45 minutes from St Catharines and, if you’d
like, we’ll arrange an airport pickup for you. (A $10 “donation”
per person per trip covers our expenses) To arrange this service,
contact Ernie Sibbett, our Transportation Chair, at 1-905-935-0066
or email to
QUALITY INN-PARKWAY :: 1-877-688-2324
Special Bridge Rate $99/dbl occupancy
Here for MAP

Remember to book as early as you possibly can for
tournament site accommodations at the Quality Inn-Parkway (1-877-688-2324).
We have a large block of rooms reserved at a preferred rate of
$99 (single or double) but if the supply runs out, the Heart of
Niagara Hospitality Group that will be our hosts also owns the
nearby Howard Johnson’s and Holiday Inn properties and will
accommodate you there for the same rate.
And, if you can mange to fit it in, there will
be lots of bridge to be played during Bridge Week. In addition
to the usual championship events (CNTC A & B, Women’s
Teams and COPC – we’re hoping for a home field advantage!)
there are two new events on the schedule. The Senior Teams will
be a three-day event starting Wednesday June 23 that will determine
our National Representative for the World Senior Olympiad Teams
in Istanbul this fall. Pre-qualification is not necessary for
this event (other than being the right age!) – check the
conditions on the CBF website. Also offered for the first time
will be a 2-session IMP Pairs with $prizes that will be run on
Thursday June 24 – no prequalification required here either).
Last but certainly not least, don’t forget
to drop into our Hospitality Suite that will be open every evening
after play to give you a chance to unwind, find a sympathetic
ear or two to fill with stories about your brilliancies (and,
of course, your partner’s blunders!) while enjoying a glass
of Niagara wine or local brewery product. A varied menu of food
will be offered nightly along with coffee, rolls and fruit every
morning. For sure, try to arrive on time for the Friday evening
Kickoff Party in the Hospitality Suite so that you can say Hello
to the finest group of volunteer organizers and workers a co-chairperson
could ever hope to have assembled!

2004 BRIDGE WEEK CREW (left to right):
Jerry Smee, Daily Bulletin , Paul Thurston, Co-Chair.
Fred Andreychuk, Co-Chair, Stan Dillabough, Director (Missing:
John Arblaster, Director, John Mackay, Secretary/Treasurer)