Bridge Week Information
MAY 24 - 31, 2008
Canadian National Team Championship (CNTC)
CNTC-Flight A
- Saturday, May 24 - Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - 22 team complete round
- Wednesday, May 28, 2008 - 64 board Quarter Finals.
- Thursday, May 29, 2008 - 72 board Semi-Finals.
- Friday, May 30 & Saturday, May 31, 2008 - 128 board Final.
All teams must have earned the right to represent their Zone.
Zone Finals must be completed by April 1, 2008.
Entry fee: $870.00 per team for the Round Robin. This entry fee
must be received by the CBF Coordinator by April 15, 2008.
Detailed schedule will be available once the total number of teams
has been confirmed.
Winning team will represent Canada in the Open teams at the 2008
World Mind Sport Games which are being held in Beijing, China October
3 - 18, 2008.
CNTC-Flight B (under 1500 mpts as of September 1, 2007)
- Sunday, May 25 - Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - 14 team complete round
- Wednesday, May 28, 2008 - 64 board Semi-Finals.
- Thursday, May 29, 2008 - 72 board Finals.
All teams must have earned the right to represent their Zone. Zone
Finals must be completed by April 1, 2008.
Entry fee: $510.00 per team for the Round Robin. This entry fee
must be received by the CBF Coordinator by April 15, 2008.
Detailed schedule will be available once the total number of teams
has been confirmed.
Winning team will receive a cash prize of $2000.
Canadian Women's Team Championship (CWTC)
- Sunday, May 25 - Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - 16 (if we get a full
field) team complete round robin.
- Wednesday, May 28, 2008 - 64 board Semi-Finals.
- Thursday, May 29, 2008 - 72 board Finals.
All teams must have earned the right to represent their Zone by
either playing in a Zone Final or by pre-registering with their
Zone Coordinator. Zone Finals must be completed by April 1, 2008.
Entry fee: $710.00 per team for the Round Robin. This entry fee
must be received by the CBF Coordinator by April 15, 2008.
Detailed schedule will be available once the total number of teams
has been confirmed.
Winning team will represent Canada in the Women teams at the 2008
World Mind Sport Games which are being held in Beijing, China October
3 - 18, 2008
Canadian Open Pairs (COPC)
Friday, May 30 and Saturday, May 31, 2008.
- All entrants must have club round qualification and be paid up
CBF members
.- Entry fees: $20 per player per session
- No pre-registration required. Purchase your entry prior to start
- 2008 COPC champions receive a $2000 cash prize. 2nd place pair
will receive $1000.
- No travel subsidy.
Events not requiring Pre-Qualification
CSTC - Canadian Senior Team Championship
- four day event: Wednesday, May 28 - Saturday, May 31, 2008
- all players must be 58 or older
- all players must be paid up members of the CBF
- entry fees: $220 per team per day (includes $100 IF Surtax)
- pre-registration not required. Purchase your entry prior to start
time on Day 1.
- 2008 CSTC Champions will represent Canada in the Senior Cup at
the 2008 World Mind Sport Games in Beijing, China.
Senior Age Increase Put On Hold in 2008
Beginning in 2005, the WBF began increasing the Senior Age by one
year with the intent of it becoming 60 in 2009. This age increase
did not apply to ACBL Senior events but only to WBF Senior events
and our Canadian championships that select a Canadian Senior team
to represent Canada in the World Senior Event. For the 2008 Mind
Sport Games, the WBF has put a hold on this increase – the
age will remain 58 as it was in 2007. Thus our Canadian Senior Team
Championship will again be open to all players who are 58 or older
in 2008 (born in 1950 or earlier). In 2009 the age will increase
to 59 and become 60 in 2010.
CIPC - Canadian Imp Pairs Championship
- one day, two session event: Thursday, May 29, 2008
- entry fee: $20 per player per session.
- all participants must be paid up members of the CBF.
- no pre-registration required. Purchase your entry prior to start
- Cash prizes for top three pairs.
CNTC B A: Round Robin: $870 per team B includes $200 IF Surtax
Quarter Final & Semi-Final: $220 per team B includes $100 IF
SurtaxFinal: $340 per team B includes $100 IF Surtax
CNTC B B: Round Robin: $510 per teamSemi-Final & Final: $120
per team
CWTC: Round Robin: $710 per team B includes $200 IF SurtaxSemi-Final
& Final: $220 per team B includes $100 IF Surtax
CSTC: $220 per team per day B includes $100 IF Surtax
CIPC: $20 per player per session
COPC: $20 per player per session